PyMBSE project aims at providing an API query mechanism for notebook-based numerical models.

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The package is composed by two modules

  • pymbse.query - an API providing a model query mechanism to exchange information either as figures of merit (scalar, vector parameters) or artefacts (output files of various type)

  • pymbse.microservicean API providing a numerical solver query mechanism. A numerical solver is encapsulated in a container and the API provides endpoints to initialize a working directory, upload input files, run a solver, and download the artefacts

Getting Started#

Python version is 3.9+ along with pymbse package. The pymbse package is available at PyPI and can be installed with pip install pymbse. We suggest to use a virtual environment to avoid clashes with globally installed packages.

For model query cache database installation, please consult


Note that the PyMBSE model query mechanism works without a cache database. In this case, however, each model is always executed, which may lead to an excessive computation time.

Configuration File#

A configuration file provides information about the cache database and the model definition. The configuration file contains two keys

  • Cache database configuration - database
    The cache database stores snapshots of executed models in order to quickly retrieve both artefacts and output files. To access the cache database one needs to provide a pair of ip and port.

  • Model(s) definition - models
    models is a dictionary mapping from tags to model definitions. A model tag is a string referring to a model.

    A model definition is a dictionary. There are two modes for model execution: local and distributed (with GitLab). The keys of a local python notebook or a pythons script are explained in a table below.


Value Type

Value Meaning



An absolute path to a model notebook. The path relates either to a location on host if jupyter server runs on host, or a location in a container for jupyter server running on the container.



Allowed values are: NOTEBOOK, SCRIPT, NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT (model is given as a notebook, however for the sake of faster execution time, a notebook is converted to a function stored in a script.



A list of relatives paths (relative w.r.t. the model root directory taken from the model_abs_path) to input files that a model depends on. Should any of those files change, a model is executed again and corresponding snapshot stored in the cache database.



A list of model tags on which a given model depends. Dependencies are used to construct a model dependency graph, which has to form a directed, acyclic graph.

For keys of a remote (GitLab) notebook are given in the following table


Value Type

Value Meaning



A GitLab project URL with notebooks to execute



Name of a branch or tag with a particular version of notebooks to execute



Relative path to a model w.r.t. the repository root



Time sleep for checking whether the triggered pipeline with notebook execution has been completed.



Allowed values are: NOTEBOOK, SCRIPT, NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT (model is given as a notebook, however for the sake of faster execution time, a notebook is converted to a function stored in a script.



A list of relatives paths (relative w.r.t. the model root directory taken from the model_abs_path) to input files that a model depends on. Should any of those files change, a model is executed again and corresponding snapshot stored in the cache database.



A list of model tags on which a given model depends. Dependencies are used to construct a model dependency graph, which has to form a directed, acyclic graph.

An example of a model configuration file is given below.

  ip: cache_rest
  port: 8000
    model_abs_path: "/home/magnum/demo/geometry/Geometry.ipynb"
    model_type: "NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT"
    input_files: [ "input/16T_rel.json",
    needs: [ ]
    model_abs_path: "/home/magnum/demo/magnetic/ROXIE.ipynb"
    model_type: "NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT"
    input_files: [ "../input/roxieold_2.cadata" ]
    needs: [ "geometry" ]
    model_abs_path: "/home/magnum/demo/magnetic/ROXIE_Current.ipynb"
    model_type: "NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT"
    input_files: [ "../input/roxieold_2.cadata" ]
    needs: [ "geometry" ]
    model_abs_path: "/home/magnum/demo/mechanical/ANSYS.ipynb"
    model_type: "NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT"
    input_files: [ "input/Mechanic_Plate/15T_bc.inp",
                   "input/Mechanic_Plate/ContactPropMacro.mac" ]
    needs: [ "geometry", "magnetic" ]
    model_abs_path: "/home/magnum/demo/thermal/MIITs.ipynb"
    model_type: "NOTEBOOK_SCRIPT"
    input_files: [ "../input/roxieold_2.cadata" ]
    needs: [ "geometry", "magnetic" ]
    project_url: ""
    branch_or_tag: "main"
    model_rel_path: "demo/thermal/MIITs_GitLab.ipynb"
    time_sleep_in_sec: 1
    model_type: "GITLAB_NOTEBOOK"
    input_files: []
    needs: []

GitLab Pipeline Trigger#

A distributed notebook execution is implemented as triggering of a pipeline running on a dedicated executor.

Project URL contains project ID at the end. In the example above it is 136891. The ID is available at the main project page.

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In addition, for GitLab two environment variables need to be set for PyMBSE to work:

  1. pipeline token

Pipeline trigger is created by going to Settings -> CI/CD -> Pipeline triggers

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Set the pipeline trigger as an environment variable:

export PIPELINE_TRIGGER=your_pipeline_trigger
  1. private token for API

Private token is created by going to Settings -> Access Tokens

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For the security sake set an expiry date, Owner as role, and api for the scope.

Set the private token as an environment variable:

export PRIVATE_TOKEN=your_private_token

Model Query API#

Model Query API provides 5 endpoints to execute models and retrieve figures of merit, artefacts, and reports.

In the following we assume that the configuration file (displayed above) is available in the current working directory as model_configuration.yml.

  1. Query for figures of merit

    Return type: dict

    Keys: name of a figure of merit as an str type

    Values: either a scalar or multi-dimensional value

from pymbse.query.api import PyMBSE

PyMBSE(config_path="model_configuration.yml", source_model="magnetic", target_model="geometry", inputs={...}).build().get_figures_of_merit()


  1. Query for all artefacts

    Return type: dict

    Keys: artefact names as str

    Values: binary artefact content as an str type

from pymbse.query.api import PyMBSE

PyMBSE(config_path="model_configuration.yml", source_model="magnetic", target_model="geometry", inputs={...}).build().get_artefacts()
  1. Query for an artefact

    Return type: str

from pymbse.query.api import PyMBSE

PyMBSE(config_path="model_configuration.yml", source_model="magnetic", target_model="geometry", inputs={...}).build().get_artefact(name="geometry")
  1. Query for an HTML report

    Return type: str with executed HTML report

from pymbse.query.api import PyMBSE

PyMBSE(config_path="model_configuration.yml", source_model="magnetic", target_model="geometry", inputs={...}).build().get_html_report()
  1. Query for a Notebook file with outputs

    Return type: str with executed notebook content

from pymbse.query.api import PyMBSE

PyMBSE(config_path="model_configuration.yml", source_model="magnetic", target_model="geometry", inputs={...}).build().get_ipynb_report()

Microservice API#

Although, the microservice API provides ve functions:

  • init

  • upload_input_files

  • run

  • get_artefact_names

  • download_artefacts

we grouped the first three functions into one init_upload_and_run to prepare and run a simulation in one shot.

An example for ROXIE electromagnetic solver is given below.


In the following we assume that a ROXIE container with REST-API (for more details please consult is running on localhost at port 8080. In addition, a and roxie.cadata are available in the working directory (otherwise one needs to adjust the paths).

from pymbse.microservice.api import init_upload_and_run, download_artefact

url_with_port = "http://roxie:8080"
model_name = "test_model"

input_files = [f"{model_name}.data", "roxie.cadata"]
model_name, timestamp, output_lines, artefact_names = init_upload_and_run(url_with_port, model_name, input_files)

input_dir = "."
for artefact_name in artefact_names:
    download_artefact(url_with_port, model_name, timestamp, input_dir, artefact_name)